
sign, "get a heaircut"

The Hard Part: Fashion, Fascism, and Feminism

The times: Are they a-changin’? Civil liberty is taken for granted these days, especially in places as prosaic as the American barber shop. We have our hair cut how we want, when we want, a...
hair in brads

Dandruff vs Dry Scalp: Causes, Treatments, and How to Tell the Difference

Finding flakes in your hair (or on your shoulders) is common, but it’s probably not quite the look you’re going for – not to mention, a dry, itchy scalp can be uncomfortable. And while you ...
women curly hair

Hairdresser Health: Risks & Remedies

You make your jobs look easy. You put on smiles, exude graciousness and hospitality, and make clients feel like the center of the universe. But your job is far from easy. Being a hairdresse...
Hairstory - New Wash Ingredient Spotlight: Evening Primrose Essential Oil

Hairstory - New Wash Ingredient Spotlight: Evening Primrose Essential Oil

If you care about the products you’re putting onto your hair and scalp, it’s time to ditch traditional shampoo and conditioner and turn to essential oils. The decades of marketing you’ve be...
woman taking a photo

Passive Income Sources for Hairdressers

Hairdressers are the ultimate influencers. Your influence can translate into income when you set yourself up to recommend the products you use and love. Your customers are always on the loo...
Hairstyles for Short Hair

Hairstyles for Short Hair

Short hairstyles are some of our favorite looks. They tend to be low maintenance, work in all weather, especially during warmer summer months, and always look chic. And short hairstyles hav...
Baby Bangs and Micro Fringe: Hair Goes Highbrow

Baby Bangs and Micro Fringe: Hair Goes Highbrow

When it comes to hair, there’s nothing new under the sun, and this year’s trendy bangs perching just below the hairline are no exception. Tiny bangs (also known as micro fringe) made it big...
6 ways New Wash helps you get volume from fine hair

6 ways New Wash helps you get volume from fine hair

One of the challenges of fine hair – unless you have a lot of it – is that it can lack volume and "oomph". The other issue is the tendency to look oily more quickly than thicker types, which only ...
Hair History: Topknots & Buns

Hair History: Topknots & Buns

When you unravel the bun – a hairstyle that certain women do (and undo) a dozen times before noon (you know who you are), you find multicultural strands of historical treasure. Sure, it get...